Monday, January 31, 2011

Welcome to the wonderful world of dating!

This blog is dedicated to the men and women who are dating and struggling to find that perfect match.  I am going to recap the good, the bad and even the ugly on my dating experience.  I hope everyone will find some humor and hopefully some good advice on the do's and don't of dating!  I look forward to any and all comments!  So, let the dating blog begin!

I am 45 years old and have been married twice.  I am not going to go into the detail as to why both marriages broke up.  They did break up so what happened in the past is in the past.  I have resolved and taken responsibility of the failures of both marriages.  Yes, I did do therapy and I strongly encourage everyone to see some type of counseling whether it is with a group or an individual!  Enough said!

Okay, I decided to write this blog after realizing that all I seem to attract is the wrong guy or the right guy with too much baggage.  You would think at my age (45) that I would be able to discern the good, the bad and the ugly.  Nope!  Not me!  I am a sucker for every sob story, etc.  So let's recap some of my previous dates ( I am changing the names not to protect them but to protect me!):

Last year, I met a great guy. Let's call him Sam.  Sam had a job, was cute, wanted to spend time with me etc.  I thought he could possibly be the one.  Well, Sam failed to tell me that he just got out of a relationship and was served an Order of Protection.  Mind you, I didn't think to ask the question "Do you stalk your ex?" on the first date.   He broke up with me via a facebook message.  It really irritated me via the facebook message. It seemed so juvenile.  I mean come on, we are both adults.  Couldn't you have least had the guts to call me on the phone????  Nope not him!  He then turned around and unfriend me on facebook. 

Lesson Learned::  Do not let any potential date befriend you on facebook.  You will know it is over when they unfriend you plus they will just use facebook to break up with you.

The second guy I went out with was a real dud!  So let's give him the name Dudley!  Dudley and I met on a dating website.  Well, Dudley lied about his height, weight and employment.  Oops, I forgot to mention that his photo showed he had hair.  We talked on the phone and decided we wanted to meet.  We picked a local place and he had sent me a text message that he was waiting for me in the bar.  Well, I went to the bar and did not see him.  I thought maybe he went to the bathroom so I sent a text.  The next thing I know a bald, short, overweight man is walking to me.  I thought to myself.  PLEASE, DON'T LET THIS BE HIM!  Well, you can imagine it was.  I was completely taken aback by the discrepancy between reality and his photo.  I did mention something to him about his photo not looking like him and he stated something like it was 10 years old.  Okay, I thought you can't judge a book by the cover so I decided to have a drink.  Well, he proceeded to tell me that he had 5 year old son by a woman who was a one night stand.  CHECK PLEASE!  I left really quickly and have yet to go back since!

Lesson Learned:  Ask if the photo is current.  Or at least do a photo share on Yahoo.  Men/Women please do yourself a favor and use a current photo of yourself.  If you can't be truthful about height, weight, etc then what else are lying about? 

Well, this is my first posting.  I will have more to come.  Who knows maybe they will turn this blog into a book or even a movie.  I know exactly what we can call it!  Everyone knows the movie "Sex in the City" well how about calling my movie "Dud in the City". 


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