Tuesday, March 1, 2011


This blog is dedicated to the men and woman who present themselves under false advertisement on their looks.  So let's begin!!

I was set up on a blind date last week.  I did not see a photo of this person.  I was told he was cute and we would be a good match.  Well, this particular person and I had been texting and talking on the phone.  His voice seemed nice and he seemed intelligent.  I thought why not and meet him for dinner.  We sent a text message describing what we would be wearing, etc.  I arrived a few minutes early and ordered myself a glass of wine.  He arrived 5 minutes late.  First pet peeve!  I really don't like people who are late.  Well, he said he was 5' 10" and average height with brown hair.  So far so good!  What he failed to tell me is his hair was fake.  Yep, he was wearing a really bad toupee!   It was so bad it looked like a dead cat was sitting on his head. I couldn't get past looking at his hair.  I tried so hard not to laugh but what is a girl to do?  Every time he shifted in his seat it seemed like his hair moved as well.  I was thinking did Ron Popeil invent the moving toupee?  Is this a new toupee with the slogan set it and forget it?  It looked like someone had run over a dead cat, removed the guts and sold it as a man's toupee.  Really bad!  His conversations  then proceeded to speak to me about work situations injecting my name in the conversation.  Pet peeve #2.  Don't put my name in your work situations.  How annoying!  He then starts to touch my arm to make a point.  Pet peeve #3.  Don't touch me especially since I keep moving away from you!  Anyway, within 15 minutes of him showing up, I was sending SOS on facebook for any of my friends to call and get me out of this date.  I left my date within an hour of meeting him.  He sends me a text message asking me out again!  The answer is a big HELL NO!

So truth to be told, I pretty much describe myself as average body, blonde hair, hazel eyes, etc.  I am by no means a beauty queen but I am not ugly!  I do think of myself quite cute and sexy!  I am not going to post photos of myself when I was 18 and skinny. Nope, I have had two kids and I have the curves to prove it.  I am proud of those curves!  Why would I want to present myself any other way!  Personally, I think there should be a law against false advertising on dating websites.  Come on, let's be real here!  If you are going to try and find a relationship on a dating website shouldn't the first thing you be honest about is your looks!  Why hid the wrinkles!  It just means you are seasoned and well aged like a great Filet Mignon!

Personally, I feel at my age any man or woman who distort, hide, lie, photo shop, etc their photograph are really not worth your time.  What else are they hiding?  What part of their lives are they trying to deceive you if they can't be honest about their looks!

I think it was Dr. Laura who said, " Beauty fades but dumb is forever!"


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