Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Only The Lonely..........

Well, I was talking to a few co-workers today and we started discussing 80's songs.  It got me thinking there was some really great depressing love songs.  One song that came to mind was The Motels "Only The Lonely".  I watched the video today and thought to myself this song depicts me to a T! 

I am alone and do think about my past relationships.  I am always constantly wandering what did I do wrong in that relationship.  I sent a message to a previous applicant (yes, I am going to start calling them applicants.  My next blog will be about applying for my job opening) asking specifically what did I do wrong that would make him want to stop calling, texting or even dating me.  The response I got was the standard "It isn't you but me and I am not ready for a relationship, blah blah blah!"  The next guy after him I asked the same thing.  His response was I was not meeting his emotional needs!  Pu-leaze!  Come on!  Not meeting your emotional needs?  What am I suppose to do wipe your nose and make you feel better? I am not your MOMMA or WET NURSE!  So I went down the line and kept asking the same question over and over.  Most were the same response but the common element from all of them was you are such a great terrific woman that you deserve somebody better than me!  WHAT A CROCK OF CRAP!!!!!! Where are my hip waders when I need them. 

It boils down to this:  The real reason why the men stopped dating me is because I am independent, strong willed, passionate about politics, children's rights, helping the less fortunate, don't need a man to come to my rescue, can make a decision, career oriented, responsibilty and most of all too damn SEXY for any of them. As my darling children told me over Christmas break, "Mom, you are MILF!" 

Well, am I lonely?  Nope!  I have great friends and a loving family that supports me in all of my endeavors, well I should say most of them!  I have plenty of things to occupy my time such as remodeling my house, reading, knitting, volunteering, etc.  Read the next statement carefully:


Big difference, don't you think!  How many men and women out there are looking for someone to take care of them?  I think the majority and I also think that is why the divorce rate is so high.  We settle for who can take care of business instead of settling for the one that compliments.

Well, this is my last post for the week until the weekend!  Need to get the house ready for the man that will always love me forever; my darling son!

Chow or as someone corrected me CIAO!

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