Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Only The Lonely..........

Well, I was talking to a few co-workers today and we started discussing 80's songs.  It got me thinking there was some really great depressing love songs.  One song that came to mind was The Motels "Only The Lonely".  I watched the video today and thought to myself this song depicts me to a T! 

I am alone and do think about my past relationships.  I am always constantly wandering what did I do wrong in that relationship.  I sent a message to a previous applicant (yes, I am going to start calling them applicants.  My next blog will be about applying for my job opening) asking specifically what did I do wrong that would make him want to stop calling, texting or even dating me.  The response I got was the standard "It isn't you but me and I am not ready for a relationship, blah blah blah!"  The next guy after him I asked the same thing.  His response was I was not meeting his emotional needs!  Pu-leaze!  Come on!  Not meeting your emotional needs?  What am I suppose to do wipe your nose and make you feel better? I am not your MOMMA or WET NURSE!  So I went down the line and kept asking the same question over and over.  Most were the same response but the common element from all of them was you are such a great terrific woman that you deserve somebody better than me!  WHAT A CROCK OF CRAP!!!!!! Where are my hip waders when I need them. 

It boils down to this:  The real reason why the men stopped dating me is because I am independent, strong willed, passionate about politics, children's rights, helping the less fortunate, don't need a man to come to my rescue, can make a decision, career oriented, responsibilty and most of all too damn SEXY for any of them. As my darling children told me over Christmas break, "Mom, you are MILF!" 

Well, am I lonely?  Nope!  I have great friends and a loving family that supports me in all of my endeavors, well I should say most of them!  I have plenty of things to occupy my time such as remodeling my house, reading, knitting, volunteering, etc.  Read the next statement carefully:


Big difference, don't you think!  How many men and women out there are looking for someone to take care of them?  I think the majority and I also think that is why the divorce rate is so high.  We settle for who can take care of business instead of settling for the one that compliments.

Well, this is my last post for the week until the weekend!  Need to get the house ready for the man that will always love me forever; my darling son!

Chow or as someone corrected me CIAO!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Romeo and Juliet

Today as I was out running errands, I was thinking what is true love?  Does anyone know what true love is?  Is there a definition out there that everyone uses to figure out if they are really in this "true love" stage.  Truth be told, I don't think so.  I think we all have been lovized by what Hollywood  creates in movies, fairy tales, and romance novels.  Is Romeo and Juliet the definition of True Love.  Killing yourself because you can't have the love of your life! I don't think so!  So let's move on to my definition of love and how the word love has been used in my dating life.

My definition of love used to be Prince Charming would come up on his white horse and sweep me off my feet!  He would tell me that I was the most beautiful woman and he couldn't bear to live without me and he couldn't eat or sleep unless I married him.  Ah!  What a great definition  of love!  Or I should say more like a stupid fantasy created by some false advertising that I seen on TV or read in some book! 

My current definition of love goes like this:
1.  Must have a job
2. Take out the garbage
3. Scrape the snow and ice off my car
4. Hold me when I am feeling down or have a bad day at work
5. Give me a hug and kiss every morning
6. Still want to be with me when I look my worst
7.  Can breathe and move off the couch to get his own food and drink
8.  Likes to spend time with me
9.  Can look me in the eye and say "There is no other!"
10. As much as I want to hear someone say I LOVE YOU, I want to hear I NEED YOU AND WANT YOU!

I was just recently told by one of the Matt's that I am too cautious or reserved.  His comment is based that I am not telling him how I feel.  Truth to be told, I don't know how I feel or maybe I am just to scared to feel in fear of getting hurt.  Or maybe the two times that I was truly in love was all that I am allowed in this life time.  I don't know.  I hope that isn't the case.  I like being in love. I like having the butterflies in the stomach and the sparkle/glow showing on your face.  I think you have a tendency to see things or the world with a different set of eyes when you are in love.  I am so hesitant to take that first step.  The fear of being rejected and cast aside always seems to be in my mind or swirling around in my head. 

Well, Matt #2 is out of the picture.  He turned out to be nothing more than a player.  One of my rules was no players.  It took a couple of dates but I eventually figured out what he wanted and quite honestly I knew on the first date what he wanted.  I wanted to play this out and see who could play who!  Well, I got some flowers, my curtain rods hung up, and a few meals.  What did he get???? Well, let's just say not what he wanted!  Maybe that is why he stopped calling or texting??  Hmmm!  I look at this way:  I am worth the wait and if any man thinks he is going to try the goods before a commitment, he can think again and move on to the next woman who suffers from low self esteem.  This chic is keeping to her standards and will not compromise for nobody!

Looking forward to this weekend!  No, I don't have any dates!  I get to spend time with the only man that I know truly loves me; my son!


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Well, I am almost over you!

Well, I hope everyone had a fantastic Valentine Day!  I know I did!  I was a bit leery doing a Valentine dinner as a second date but hey, what the hell!  It is a meal isn't it.  Two people breaking bread!  My date even bought me flowers!  I was really shocked at that one!  After all, it was only the second date!  He took me to a fairly expensive restaurant so I have to give him extra points for that especially since it wasn't a chain restaurant like Texas Roadhouse!  The mood and atmosphere was really romantic! I can't remember the last time I actually had a romantic dinner!  Enough said!  I will keep you posted if this guy will be the lucky one to capture my heart!

The caption of the is blog is "Well, I am almost over you!".  Sheena Easton sings this song and when I was trying to put my thoughts down about what I wanted to write about, it just came to my mind!  Here is the story:  My #2 EX called me Sunday to invite me to his housewarming party.  Anyway, he stated some mutual work friends would be attending and he thought it would be incredibly rude if he didn't invite me.  Huh?  Rude?  Hello?  What did he think I would find out about the party and get upset?  Anyway, I thought about it for a couple of hours and sent him a text message stating I was declining.  Why was I declining? Truth be told, I still have some very strong feelings for him.  I even told him that in my text message. I guess I shouldn't have said anything but you know I am so tired of pretending.  Isn't that what we all do is pretend our feelings.  I am tired of telling myself I don't care, I don't want him back in my life and most importantly that I don't love him.  Anyway, a few seconds after I sent the message he called me.  We spoke a few moments about the text message and then he invited me out to dinner.  The smart thing would have been to decline but dammit I do miss talking to him so I went.  I have to admit I did have a great time talking to him.  He took me back to his place to show me his new TV.  Which I wonder why take me to your house to show off your new TV.  We watched a little TV and then I decided I needed him to take me home. I got really uncomfortable just being in his home.  I wanted so much to tell him to wake up and smell and the roses and that we should try again but I just didn't have the courage.    In my opinion, I do think my ex wants to give it a try but I think he is struggling as well with his feelings. I guess only time will tell.

When he dropped me at my house, I started to do some hard thinking on why I am so unsuccessful at dating.  Deep down it is because I am comparing all the guys that have asked me out to him. That is not fair to them or fair to me.  I decided that my date for Valentine's Day would get my full attention and I would not start doing the comparison between him and my ex.  I purposely blocked any thoughts of my ex out of head.  I am glad I did because the minute I started looking at my date with open eyes and a open mind things began to get clearer to me.  I was able to look at him and see that he is a good guy and that he does meet my partner criteria.  So, does this mean I am going to give him or I should say "US" a shot!  The jury is still out on that question! Oh, he has some quirks that are bit annoying but I am sure that I have some quirks that annoy him.  I will say this much for him, he is very considerate and thoughtful.  He and I had a discussion about the ex and he is fully aware of my feelings.  His response after the conversation was "I am willing to wait while you sort it out because I know you are an exceptional woman and your ex is the stupidest man alive." How can you not give someone a chance after speaking those words to you!

Update:  The valentine date guy did not work out!  He was just a player! 

I hope everyone has a good weekend.  I know one thing I will not be doing and that is attending a housewarming party. 


Thursday, February 10, 2011


Why is it all of a sudden everyone wants to date you?  It seemed for the past couple of weeks I wasn't getting any takers on any of the multiple dating websites I belong to.  I was on, Eharmony, Chemistry and my favorite Plenty of Fish.  Just this past week all of a sudden my email notifications were going off every five seconds!  Well, not really but I was getting about three or four emails a day from various men.  Some of them were way younger and I immediately blocked them from contacting and then some were as old as my father.  That is gross!  However, I have been in contact with three different men.  Three different personalities and most definitely three different email styles.  So let's talk about how men initiate contact.

Let's talk about Matt (and no that isn't his real name).  Matt is on POF (Plenty of Fish).  He read my requirements and sent me an email telling me that his profile was accurate and asked me if mine was a bunch of crap or was I really being honest.  Well, of course I responded back and stated, "Yes, my profile picture and requirements are indeed true!".  We emailed back and forth several times asking each other questions about our families, jobs, etc.  Finally Matt asked if he could call me.  I gave him my cell phone number and within minutes I received a text asking me to confirm the number.  I most certainly did and received another message thanking me.  Did he call?  Nope, he started to text me.  What is up with that? Don't ask for my number then start texting me questions.  Just send me emails.  Texting is not the place to ask me what I would do if I won 5 million dollars playing the lottery.  Come on guys, if you ask for a phone number then dial it.

The second guy on POF (let's call him Matt also because his real name is the same name as the first guy) sends me an email telling me how pretty I am and stated he like my profile.  We email back and forth and do the same ritual of asking the same questions.  Eventually, Matt #2 asks me for my phone number.  I responded with my number.  Did he call?  Nope!  He sends me a text asking to confirm the number.  Again, I responded that yes this was my number.  Matt #2 proceeds to start texting me and asking me more time consuming typing questions.  I finally told Matt#2 that asking me long drawn out questions and expecting me to text long drawn answers was like fingernails being runned down a blackboard.  Very painful!  Eventually, Matt #2 calls me and apologizes.  Anyway, we chit chat for a few minutes and then we hit the awkward silence.  We didn't speak for a good minute when I decided to say, did I lose you, are you still there?  Matt #2 responds and starts to stammer when he spits out would I like to meet him for coffee.  Mind you, Matt #2 is 48 years old and by his photo is not a bad looking guy.  I politely told him yes, I would meet for coffee.  We are suppose to meet for coffee tomorrow so I will keep everyone posted as to how it goes! 

The third gentlemen and let's call him Sam sends me an email and asks how are you?  Okay, let's be real here. How are you as your opening line?  How are you is like asking would you like fries with that.  Of course, I am not fine.  I am single!  I want to find a partner to share my life with.  Do I respond with that.  Nope, I just politely state that I am fine and wishing for Spring to get here!  Sam then sends me an email back asking what I like to do for fun.  That is a stupid question because everything I like to do for fun is listed in my profile.  Does Sam not know how to read?  If Sam was really interested in me he would have asked me what is like to scuba dive with Sharks or which Die Hard movie is your favorite.  Why do men persist in asking the same stupid question of what do you like to do for fun! 

Yes, dating is extremely difficult and making that first initial contact is even harder.  However, as older mature adults we need to ask more substantial questions when starting that contact.  So listed below are some questions that I wish someone would ask me when they first contact me:

1.  You stated in your profile that you have two great kids.  How did you manage to raise your great kids with all of the peer pressures kids are subjected to in school?
2.  Your profile is quite unique.  Why do you feel the need to state such requirements?
3.  I like your profile.  What is favorite part of the day and why?
4.  I love your smile.  It looks like you are up to something.  Have you ever done anything wild and crazy?
5.  Can we just cut through the chase.  Can I just have your phone number so I can call you so we can chat instead of doing this email thing?
6.  Your profile is just what I have been searching for in a woman.  You seem like a great person.  What is your favorite vacation spot and why? 
7.  Do you think Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus?

I feel like I am in high school when I get messages asking me how are you, I think you are pretty, etc.  I am not 16.  I am 45, educated, smart and yes, pretty sexy when I want to be  and quite frankly that is every day.  No, I can't change the way men contact me but I can change the way I respond.  So, the next email I get asking stupid questions, I am going to respond in the following:

Question:  How are you?
 Answer:  Well, I have a bunion on my foot and it really hurts.  My dog just crapped all over the carpet and my car just got repossessed other than that, I am doing really great!  How about yourself!

Question: What is your favorite color? 
Answer:  Well, I don't have a favorite color because I am color blind.

Question:  What is your favorite thing to do for fun?
Answer:  Go to Wal-Mart and shoplift.

Ah, yes!  I just love dating and all of its little qirks!  Will I ever meet an intelligent man who is just as confident as I am?  Maybe what I need to do is purchase a pair of Dorothy shoes from the Wizard of Oz and click the heels three times and say "Someday Mr Right will come!"

Well, for the record I have hidden my profile on Match and POF.  Why you ask?  Because the same idiots on Match are on POF and contact me!  I am crossing my fingers that Eharmony or Chemistry might give me better luck!  At least on those two sites they give you starter questions and email suggestions. 

It is going to be a busy weekend for me!  I have my date on Friday with Matt #2 and yes, I am going to meet Matt #1 on Saturday.  Sunday I am going to a Euchre tournament at a local Harley Bike Club called the Dinosores.  They are raising funds for sick needy kids.  Who knows maybe I will meet someone at the Charity event!


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Headliners and Profiles!

Let's get to the nitty gritty on today's topic:  HEADLINES and PROFILES on personal dating ads! 
Here are a few examples:

Open-minded, curious and wordly...Let's explore!!!
I feel like I should have #2 pencil.  Ready. Get set. GO!
Looking for my co-driver in life!
Nice guy looking for fun and companionship. and see where it goes :) (this is my ex-husband headline)
Still hopeful!
We can make stars shine!

Of course, these men have their photos besides their headlines.  Do these headlines make you want to say ooh, I need to wink, send a message, send a hug, or kiss because they are so articulate?  I hope not because these are the most stupidest lines I have ever seen. 

Online dating websites do serve a purpose! I am still trying to figure out what purpose that is!  Is it to find a new partner, window browse or see how many people you sucker into believing you are the best thing since slice bread.    Yes, I use dating sites just like all the rest of the hundreds of hundreds million singles worldwide but in reality how many people actually do end up in committed relationship.  I think if the truth was to be told, NOT TO MANY!  How truthful are we with ourselves describing what we are looking for and who we are and using cheesy pick up lines . 
I got tired of getting tons of losers and yes, I mean losers contacting me on POF (Plenty of Fish).  I decided to rewrite my profile and spell out exactly what I was looking for in a partner.  Here is my profile:

I am a divorced mom of two great kids who are grown and out on their own! I have a great job that I enjoy going to everyday. I love outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, motorcycle riding, canoeing, boating, scuba diving, etc. I am a terrific cook who can whip a gourmet meal in minutes or take mac 'n cheese from a box and make it the best thing you have ever tasted! I believe in God and give thanks everyday for all the wonderful things he has blessed me with! Faith is very important to me! I am basically the girl next door who is looking for her prince that shares the same values and understands what a committed relationship means. So please read the following carefully before you attempt to contact me:

1. Please make sure you are divorced, widowed or single before you contact me. I will not date anyone who is separated or married. Yes, there are guys on this site who say they are not married but really are.
2. If you are looking for a one night stand; please don't bother! It won't happen.
3. You must have a job! Yes, that is right a job. I don't care if the job is working at McDonald's, at least it is a job!
4. Please have an accurate photo of yourself. I have met some men on this site and quite frankly, none of you looked like your photo.
5. Please be at least 5' 10" tall. I would request you double check your height measurements. If I meet you and you are not that tall then you are lying! If you are lying about your height then what else are you lying about!
6. The same goes for the weight/build! Be honest. If you say you are average and your not then what else are you lying about.
7. I don't like to play games with peoples feelings and I would ask that you don't play with mine! Do not send me an e-mail if you are not ready to date. Nothing worse than meeting someone and you like them then all of a sudden they stop calling and you find out that they weren't ready to date because they just got out of a relationship.
8. You don't have to dress like a model from GQ but you can wear clothes that are not wrinkled, stained or dirty.

Now, I know my commentary is going to upset some of the men out there! I don't want to waste my time or yours if you don't fit the above criteria. I realize women can be just as bad but I think I am pretty truthful in my description of myself. My photo was taken in October 2010 so I haven't changed much. I am a what you see what you get kind of girl.

So if I haven't made you mad by reading the above, please feel free to contact me!

So that was my profile and guess what it wasn't successful.  Why, because I spoke the truth.  Men and women just can't seem to handle the truth or state what they really want in a relationship.  In reality, what I asked for is what everyone wants but are to afraid to say it.  What happens is they read the fluff and stuff and decide ooh, that person sounds like fun and has no drama, etc.  They hook up and go out on a date or two and then realize that isn't the person from their profile but some made up fictionalized Ken or Barbie. 

I did have a few men send me scathing emails about my profile and how dare I put my requirements out there and that I must be a closet lesbian.  Sorry!  I am not a lesbian!  I know what I want and I am not afraid to ask for it nor will I settle for anything less.  My point to this blog is you really need to ask hard questions and read between the lines if you truly want a partner.  Fluff and stuff is just that!  Fluff Fluff Fluff!

BTW-My Headliner is this "Looking for Companionship!"  Isn't that what we all are searching for?


Saturday, February 5, 2011


I was jotting down some notes on future blogs and thinking of some of the men that I dated last year.  Quite frankly, after jotting their names down and remembering the dates, I realized that I lowered my standards.  I had become a desperate dater.  What is a desperate dater?  It is someone who can't stand to be alone and will date anyone and/or anything just to say, "I am dating!".  Well, needless to say if I can break the habit of being a desperate dater then anyone can break the habit. 

So let's discuss in further detail what drove me to become a desperate dater!  Well, after my divorce the missing someone sleeping in my bed, having someone to talk to that isn't four legged, getting text messages about what do you want to do for dinner tonight and lastly just having someone to snuggle up to even if he wasn't the snuggling type.  I wasn't one to go to bars to meet men.  I decided to try Eharmony and Match.  I got hits on both sites but nothing that caused me to say this is the one!  Nope, it was more just to feel good about myself and to hear someone say, "You look really nice" or "You are really pretty!".  There is something about hearing compliments that really does a world of good in helping your self-esteem especially when you look in the mirror everyday and the only thing being reflected back is something that looks really miserable! 

One of the guys  I dated from Eharmony was really cute until he smiled and talked.  His teeth were gray and crooked and every time he spoke he spit.  I kept looking at his teeth and I know I sorta cocked my head funny trying to figure out how two front teeth could be behind each other.  Hello!  You need to get some braces and some special teeth whitening gel!  His spitting was another big issue.  I believe the spitting was because of the crooked teeth.  I only had one slice of pizza because when he spoke he spit on the pizza.  How gross!  Needless to say no connection! 

Well, I am happy to report that today I am very happy with myself and how I look!  I have adopted the attitude that if you don't like what you see then keep on moving on down the line.  You are obviously a shallow person and don't really want to get to know the real me. 


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Would you like to check your baggage at the gate!

When you are dating in your teens and 20's you don't necessarily have baggage.  What is baggage?  No, it isn't a suitcase full of clothes.  Baggage is what you get when you leave a relationship with unresolved, hurt feelings, wondering why you broke up in the first place!  Baggage just doesn't go away overnight.  Nope, it takes time to think and understand what went wrong in the relationship in the first place and how to avoid making the same mistakes again.  Do I have baggage?  Well, to be truthful-YES!  However, my baggage is tucked away up in the attic because I have resolved all the why's, how's, what's, etc.  I am ready for a relationship but I will not settle for the first Tom, Dick or Harry that comes along.  I want my final and yes, I mean final partner to get to know the real me as much I want to get to know them. 

So, let's talk about the few men I have dated with baggage. 

I recently went on date with someone that I have been corresponding and talking to on the phone via Eharmony's lovely match up system.  Personally, I think Eharmony's matching system is a real joke.  Anyway, talk, text, and email we decide to meet.  Let's call this guy Jim.  We met at in Mahomet at a restaurant called JT Walkers.  Great place!  Jim looked exactly liked his photo.  A+ so far so good.  We decide to go upstairs to eat and during the course of picking out our food selection, he starts to mention his ex-wife.  Now mind you he had mention her a few times before in email but nothing really bad.  Well, all of sudden he let's loose and proceeds to tell me that she had an affair and got pregnant by the other guy 15 years her junior.  He didn't love her but I could tell he was really angry.  Angry that he put her through school, angry that he helped raised her kids, angry that she ran up the credit cards, angry, angry, angry.  Halfway through through the meal, I couldn't take it anymore and asked him how long he had been divorce.  He informs me 2 years.  Hmmmm. 2 years and you still haven't resolved the issues?????  I then explained to him that he was not ready to date and he needed to see a therapist.  He was taken aback by my statement and looked at me and then stated " I wonder if that is the reason why I can't get second dates?" Duh!  I told him he was a nice guy and that I would go out with him again but he has to work on resolving his baggage.  No relationship will grow if you are constantly taking your baggage with you.  He appreciated the advice and told me that I was the first person to mention about his angry issues with his ex-wife.  He sent me a text on Monday and stated that he had a four conversation with his mother and that he had solved his problems.  NOPE!  I don't think so!  Baggage takes time to resolve!  It doesn't go away with the snap of your fingers. 

Lesson Learned:  Don't waste time trying to fix someone's anger issues.  You are not a therapist or their mother!  Ask questions before you meet them like "Do you still harbor anger issues towards your EX? Or did your EX get pregnant by another man?" 

Another gentleman that I met on another dating site seemed to have everything under control!  He was pleasant to talk to on the phone, his text messages were flirty and he told me he had been divorced for three years.  We decide to meet for coffee at a local  place near my office.  We really hit it off so well that we decided to have dinner.  We shared a plate of fajitas and basically had some great conversation.  He asked for another date and I said yes!  I thought there was no mention of the ex wife in any negative ways, etc that maybe just maybe this might have some possibilities.  Well, I decided to go out on a limb and have him over for dinner.  Dinner was great at my house.  He was the perfect gentleman!  Well, long story short, we had a few dates and the last time he was over at my house he stated I'll call you later.  Great wonderful!  We are really hitting it off.  Did he call?  Nope!  So Monday rolls around and I think he is going to call on Monday.  Nope. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, nothing!  Not even a text message saying I don't want to date you.  So yes, I decided to send him a message via Facebook (yes, I broke my rule about befriending people to quickly on facebook).  He responds to me stating I am a runner.  I am not ready for a relationship.  It seems he just got out of a relationship a few weeks before that he had been in for quite some time.  Again, we adults break up and think we need to get back on the dating scene ASAP!  I also found out later that he had been stalking his ex-girlfriend driving by her house. 

Lesson Learn:  How long have you been alone and when was your last relationship?  Did you break up amicably or are you still stalking your ex in hopes of getting back with them. 

Baggage is not something that is easily gotten rid of overnight.  Men & Women, please don't start dating until you  are actually ready for a relationship.  Dating somebody shouldn't be the cure for loneliness.  You have to learn to live alone and develop your own interests before you can start another relationship.  Rushing into a relationship without understanding who you are, what you want from a partner and most importantly love yourself will do more harm not only to you but to the person who are dating. 

Well, this single girl is ready to date, baggage is up in the attic, and most importantly I truly do love who I am and someday hope to find the right man that will love me for me!
