Saturday, February 5, 2011


I was jotting down some notes on future blogs and thinking of some of the men that I dated last year.  Quite frankly, after jotting their names down and remembering the dates, I realized that I lowered my standards.  I had become a desperate dater.  What is a desperate dater?  It is someone who can't stand to be alone and will date anyone and/or anything just to say, "I am dating!".  Well, needless to say if I can break the habit of being a desperate dater then anyone can break the habit. 

So let's discuss in further detail what drove me to become a desperate dater!  Well, after my divorce the missing someone sleeping in my bed, having someone to talk to that isn't four legged, getting text messages about what do you want to do for dinner tonight and lastly just having someone to snuggle up to even if he wasn't the snuggling type.  I wasn't one to go to bars to meet men.  I decided to try Eharmony and Match.  I got hits on both sites but nothing that caused me to say this is the one!  Nope, it was more just to feel good about myself and to hear someone say, "You look really nice" or "You are really pretty!".  There is something about hearing compliments that really does a world of good in helping your self-esteem especially when you look in the mirror everyday and the only thing being reflected back is something that looks really miserable! 

One of the guys  I dated from Eharmony was really cute until he smiled and talked.  His teeth were gray and crooked and every time he spoke he spit.  I kept looking at his teeth and I know I sorta cocked my head funny trying to figure out how two front teeth could be behind each other.  Hello!  You need to get some braces and some special teeth whitening gel!  His spitting was another big issue.  I believe the spitting was because of the crooked teeth.  I only had one slice of pizza because when he spoke he spit on the pizza.  How gross!  Needless to say no connection! 

Well, I am happy to report that today I am very happy with myself and how I look!  I have adopted the attitude that if you don't like what you see then keep on moving on down the line.  You are obviously a shallow person and don't really want to get to know the real me. 


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