Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Well, I am almost over you!

Well, I hope everyone had a fantastic Valentine Day!  I know I did!  I was a bit leery doing a Valentine dinner as a second date but hey, what the hell!  It is a meal isn't it.  Two people breaking bread!  My date even bought me flowers!  I was really shocked at that one!  After all, it was only the second date!  He took me to a fairly expensive restaurant so I have to give him extra points for that especially since it wasn't a chain restaurant like Texas Roadhouse!  The mood and atmosphere was really romantic! I can't remember the last time I actually had a romantic dinner!  Enough said!  I will keep you posted if this guy will be the lucky one to capture my heart!

The caption of the is blog is "Well, I am almost over you!".  Sheena Easton sings this song and when I was trying to put my thoughts down about what I wanted to write about, it just came to my mind!  Here is the story:  My #2 EX called me Sunday to invite me to his housewarming party.  Anyway, he stated some mutual work friends would be attending and he thought it would be incredibly rude if he didn't invite me.  Huh?  Rude?  Hello?  What did he think I would find out about the party and get upset?  Anyway, I thought about it for a couple of hours and sent him a text message stating I was declining.  Why was I declining? Truth be told, I still have some very strong feelings for him.  I even told him that in my text message. I guess I shouldn't have said anything but you know I am so tired of pretending.  Isn't that what we all do is pretend our feelings.  I am tired of telling myself I don't care, I don't want him back in my life and most importantly that I don't love him.  Anyway, a few seconds after I sent the message he called me.  We spoke a few moments about the text message and then he invited me out to dinner.  The smart thing would have been to decline but dammit I do miss talking to him so I went.  I have to admit I did have a great time talking to him.  He took me back to his place to show me his new TV.  Which I wonder why take me to your house to show off your new TV.  We watched a little TV and then I decided I needed him to take me home. I got really uncomfortable just being in his home.  I wanted so much to tell him to wake up and smell and the roses and that we should try again but I just didn't have the courage.    In my opinion, I do think my ex wants to give it a try but I think he is struggling as well with his feelings. I guess only time will tell.

When he dropped me at my house, I started to do some hard thinking on why I am so unsuccessful at dating.  Deep down it is because I am comparing all the guys that have asked me out to him. That is not fair to them or fair to me.  I decided that my date for Valentine's Day would get my full attention and I would not start doing the comparison between him and my ex.  I purposely blocked any thoughts of my ex out of head.  I am glad I did because the minute I started looking at my date with open eyes and a open mind things began to get clearer to me.  I was able to look at him and see that he is a good guy and that he does meet my partner criteria.  So, does this mean I am going to give him or I should say "US" a shot!  The jury is still out on that question! Oh, he has some quirks that are bit annoying but I am sure that I have some quirks that annoy him.  I will say this much for him, he is very considerate and thoughtful.  He and I had a discussion about the ex and he is fully aware of my feelings.  His response after the conversation was "I am willing to wait while you sort it out because I know you are an exceptional woman and your ex is the stupidest man alive." How can you not give someone a chance after speaking those words to you!

Update:  The valentine date guy did not work out!  He was just a player! 

I hope everyone has a good weekend.  I know one thing I will not be doing and that is attending a housewarming party. 


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