Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Headliners and Profiles!

Let's get to the nitty gritty on today's topic:  HEADLINES and PROFILES on personal dating ads! 
Here are a few examples:

Open-minded, curious and wordly...Let's explore!!!
I feel like I should have #2 pencil.  Ready. Get set. GO!
Looking for my co-driver in life!
Nice guy looking for fun and companionship. and see where it goes :) (this is my ex-husband headline)
Still hopeful!
We can make stars shine!

Of course, these men have their photos besides their headlines.  Do these headlines make you want to say ooh, I need to wink, send a message, send a hug, or kiss because they are so articulate?  I hope not because these are the most stupidest lines I have ever seen. 

Online dating websites do serve a purpose! I am still trying to figure out what purpose that is!  Is it to find a new partner, window browse or see how many people you sucker into believing you are the best thing since slice bread.    Yes, I use dating sites just like all the rest of the hundreds of hundreds million singles worldwide but in reality how many people actually do end up in committed relationship.  I think if the truth was to be told, NOT TO MANY!  How truthful are we with ourselves describing what we are looking for and who we are and using cheesy pick up lines . 
I got tired of getting tons of losers and yes, I mean losers contacting me on POF (Plenty of Fish).  I decided to rewrite my profile and spell out exactly what I was looking for in a partner.  Here is my profile:

I am a divorced mom of two great kids who are grown and out on their own! I have a great job that I enjoy going to everyday. I love outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, motorcycle riding, canoeing, boating, scuba diving, etc. I am a terrific cook who can whip a gourmet meal in minutes or take mac 'n cheese from a box and make it the best thing you have ever tasted! I believe in God and give thanks everyday for all the wonderful things he has blessed me with! Faith is very important to me! I am basically the girl next door who is looking for her prince that shares the same values and understands what a committed relationship means. So please read the following carefully before you attempt to contact me:

1. Please make sure you are divorced, widowed or single before you contact me. I will not date anyone who is separated or married. Yes, there are guys on this site who say they are not married but really are.
2. If you are looking for a one night stand; please don't bother! It won't happen.
3. You must have a job! Yes, that is right a job. I don't care if the job is working at McDonald's, at least it is a job!
4. Please have an accurate photo of yourself. I have met some men on this site and quite frankly, none of you looked like your photo.
5. Please be at least 5' 10" tall. I would request you double check your height measurements. If I meet you and you are not that tall then you are lying! If you are lying about your height then what else are you lying about!
6. The same goes for the weight/build! Be honest. If you say you are average and your not then what else are you lying about.
7. I don't like to play games with peoples feelings and I would ask that you don't play with mine! Do not send me an e-mail if you are not ready to date. Nothing worse than meeting someone and you like them then all of a sudden they stop calling and you find out that they weren't ready to date because they just got out of a relationship.
8. You don't have to dress like a model from GQ but you can wear clothes that are not wrinkled, stained or dirty.

Now, I know my commentary is going to upset some of the men out there! I don't want to waste my time or yours if you don't fit the above criteria. I realize women can be just as bad but I think I am pretty truthful in my description of myself. My photo was taken in October 2010 so I haven't changed much. I am a what you see what you get kind of girl.

So if I haven't made you mad by reading the above, please feel free to contact me!

So that was my profile and guess what it wasn't successful.  Why, because I spoke the truth.  Men and women just can't seem to handle the truth or state what they really want in a relationship.  In reality, what I asked for is what everyone wants but are to afraid to say it.  What happens is they read the fluff and stuff and decide ooh, that person sounds like fun and has no drama, etc.  They hook up and go out on a date or two and then realize that isn't the person from their profile but some made up fictionalized Ken or Barbie. 

I did have a few men send me scathing emails about my profile and how dare I put my requirements out there and that I must be a closet lesbian.  Sorry!  I am not a lesbian!  I know what I want and I am not afraid to ask for it nor will I settle for anything less.  My point to this blog is you really need to ask hard questions and read between the lines if you truly want a partner.  Fluff and stuff is just that!  Fluff Fluff Fluff!

BTW-My Headliner is this "Looking for Companionship!"  Isn't that what we all are searching for?


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