Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Romeo and Juliet

Today as I was out running errands, I was thinking what is true love?  Does anyone know what true love is?  Is there a definition out there that everyone uses to figure out if they are really in this "true love" stage.  Truth be told, I don't think so.  I think we all have been lovized by what Hollywood  creates in movies, fairy tales, and romance novels.  Is Romeo and Juliet the definition of True Love.  Killing yourself because you can't have the love of your life! I don't think so!  So let's move on to my definition of love and how the word love has been used in my dating life.

My definition of love used to be Prince Charming would come up on his white horse and sweep me off my feet!  He would tell me that I was the most beautiful woman and he couldn't bear to live without me and he couldn't eat or sleep unless I married him.  Ah!  What a great definition  of love!  Or I should say more like a stupid fantasy created by some false advertising that I seen on TV or read in some book! 

My current definition of love goes like this:
1.  Must have a job
2. Take out the garbage
3. Scrape the snow and ice off my car
4. Hold me when I am feeling down or have a bad day at work
5. Give me a hug and kiss every morning
6. Still want to be with me when I look my worst
7.  Can breathe and move off the couch to get his own food and drink
8.  Likes to spend time with me
9.  Can look me in the eye and say "There is no other!"
10. As much as I want to hear someone say I LOVE YOU, I want to hear I NEED YOU AND WANT YOU!

I was just recently told by one of the Matt's that I am too cautious or reserved.  His comment is based that I am not telling him how I feel.  Truth to be told, I don't know how I feel or maybe I am just to scared to feel in fear of getting hurt.  Or maybe the two times that I was truly in love was all that I am allowed in this life time.  I don't know.  I hope that isn't the case.  I like being in love. I like having the butterflies in the stomach and the sparkle/glow showing on your face.  I think you have a tendency to see things or the world with a different set of eyes when you are in love.  I am so hesitant to take that first step.  The fear of being rejected and cast aside always seems to be in my mind or swirling around in my head. 

Well, Matt #2 is out of the picture.  He turned out to be nothing more than a player.  One of my rules was no players.  It took a couple of dates but I eventually figured out what he wanted and quite honestly I knew on the first date what he wanted.  I wanted to play this out and see who could play who!  Well, I got some flowers, my curtain rods hung up, and a few meals.  What did he get???? Well, let's just say not what he wanted!  Maybe that is why he stopped calling or texting??  Hmmm!  I look at this way:  I am worth the wait and if any man thinks he is going to try the goods before a commitment, he can think again and move on to the next woman who suffers from low self esteem.  This chic is keeping to her standards and will not compromise for nobody!

Looking forward to this weekend!  No, I don't have any dates!  I get to spend time with the only man that I know truly loves me; my son!


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